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Common Vetch is an annual plant closely related to peas. The stems, which generally branch from near the base, are on an average from two to three feet high, angular and more or less hairy. As fodder for dairy cows, green Common Vetch is highly esteemed for its nutritive value and its quality of increasing milk production. Common Vetch is the largest, most vigorous leguminous plant in the Vicia genus. It is tolerant of light mowing and will re-grow in pastures after moderate grazing. During the spring it will grow dense, green foliage that makes it ideal for use as green manure. It can be planted throughout either the fall or spring planting seasons and yield high quality plants. Common Vetch seeds are aggressive, when it is not being grown for seed it should be mowed down shortly after it starts to flower, in order to avoid problems with volunteer seedlings in the next crop.


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Argentine is a Bahia "selection" of bahigrass that originated from the country of Argentina in South America. The variety was developed by a university initially for its forage production qualities. Argentine has broad leaves with a good darker green color, making it more suitable for lawns in Florida and other Coastal Southern states. Its susceptibility to cold, resultes in winter kill of stands planted North of approximately Tifton, Georgia. It is used extensively for lawns because of its attractive look and the fact that it produces less "objectionable" seed heads than other Bahias. Argentine is also used extensively in Florida and other coastal areas for pasture purposes. Produces tremendous forage under proper conditions. Normally germinates in 10-20 days with 14 days considered the normal germinating time under ideal conditions.


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An annual clover which can be planted with other legumes such as cowpeas or other perennials. One of the most popular clovers used in planting for wildlife. Grows an average of 12-24" in height, although it may reach heights of 60" if not grazed or harvested for hay. A warm season tropical annual plant that can be slow to establish. Adapts to well-drained soils with good fertility. Planting Rate: 15-20 lbs. per acre in the early spring when danger of frost is over. Planting Depth: 1/4" deep.


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Pensacola Bahiagrass was discovered in the coastal Gulf of the Florida panhandle and has since grown into one of the major pasture grasses. This grass is a full sun, high heat, drought resistant, easily seeded establisher. It can grow in shadier conditions than most warm-season grasses. Pensacola Bahia forms a dense, thick sod that can keep the weeds out and is very disease resistant with the mole cricket and army worms being the only pest problems. The fertility rate for Pensacola are lower than many other forage grasses and it can withstand heavy herd trampling and recover from overgrazing rather quickly. Withstands colder soil temps, thus can be planted further north in Southern states. Normal (average) germination period for Pensacola Bahia is considered to be 28 days. During hotter summer months such as July/August when rainfall is also plentiful, Pensacola Bahia seed can germinate in as quick as 10-14 days. Higher soil temps coupled with moist conditions will also cause more of the seed to germinate.


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Kentucky 31 is one of the older "proven" lawn grass varieties with a light green, coarse texture. Ideal for average lawn and turf use. It has an attractive green color, is considered drought resistant, handles traffic/wear well, more heat tolerant than other tall fescue varieties and is easy to establish as well as economical. Planting Rates: New Lawn-8 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.; Overseeding: 4 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft; Germination: 7-21 days. Planting Depth: 1/8".


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